Aaaaand we're back. Web-design diva Marie Poulin sent us these shots of Helo lounging on a Mac tower and hanging out in front of her new 27-inch iMac back on May 5. Thanks for your patience, Marie!
These two sleepy kitties (not to be confused with Sleepy Kitty) are Philo and Aldus, 1-year-old brother and sister cats living in Japan, basking in the iMac's warmth. Thanks to Johno of I Love Typography for the shot!
"Yes, cats are SO much more dignified than dogs." —Richard Stevens of Diesel Sweeties re: his cat Shelley.
Wish you were lucky enough to have a cat this dignified? Try this on for size.
This adorably leonine kitty, Holly, has a great story. As her owner, Cathi Davis, notes: "We found Holly when she fell through the ceiling at a warehouse when she was just 4 weeks old. She loves my 15-inch MacBook Pro's warm keyboard!"
We know: It's been a while. By way of apology, here's not one but two shots of Sunny, enjoying the warmth (seriously, that thing is like a space heater) of k1mothy's Power Mac G4.
Definitely love the original filename of this cat: "cat trapped in mac.jpeg." As Jeremy explains: "My cat Lola trapped my other cat Arthur in my MacBook Pro. BAD CAT."
Jasper Twinkletoes is a cat who means business. In the words of his owner, a humble nudibranch: "Jasper (a.k.a. Mr. Lovins) is a former feral who has converted to a lap-sitting, chin-butting ball of love. He is making his view known that the 12-inch iBook is seriously getting in the way of his need to love now."
Also, we're loving the original filename of his photo: "Jasper wants LOVE.jpg."
Sirius, looking dreamy between a 24-inch LED Cinema Display and an Apple Wireless Keyboard, via pepelsbey. What a beautiful cat!
This is Caius Merlin Brittanicus. As his owner, a humble nudibranch, notes, "Caius is a very large cat and fits nicely on and color coordinates with a G4 tower." We couldn't agree more!